2012-12-18 | 分类:海运服务
中国外经贸委批准的一级货运代理经营资质的企业,经营范围主要涉及空运进出口、进口清关、全球门点服务、集装箱空运进出口、保税区、散货船、内陆拖车、仓储、报关报检以及保险等多项代理业务,国际货运代理网络遍及全球各主要港口,提供最优质的服务以及最优势的运价,并且还在广州、北京、深圳都有自己的航空物流网络站点。 Airfreight
Hercules offers direct cargo air services between Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Europe, North America and Asia, especially the route from Hong Kong to East China, including door to door cargo delivery and distribution.
Hercules offers direct cargo air services between Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Europe, North America and Asia, especially the route from Hong Kong to East China, including door to door cargo delivery and distribution.