本公司经过十几年发展,具备雄厚实力,基础设施完备,拥有自己的专业运输公司和配套的物流仓库、堆场,专业化的从业人员,遍布全球的国际物流网络,能提供给客户优质的货运服务。目前公司已与国内外许多客户建立了良好的合作关系和业务往来,年处理货柜量逾35000标箱,年承运散杂货及重大设备逾10万吨。公司业务蓬勃发展,蒸蒸日上。展望未来,公司全体员工将继续以优质热情的服务和优势的价格与您真诚合作共创辉煌。Air Sea Worldwide Logistics Ltd., the very first member and also the flagship of the Air Sea Group, began in 1988 in Hong Kong by offering fast and reliable transportation services. At the time there was a great need for our services and we made customer satisfaction our number one priority. With time, our flexible approach and professionalism helped us grow and develop in line with the growing needs of our customers.

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