2012/4/24 | 分类:香港海运 | 标签: | views
Since the company was established, our more than 200 person team has taken great efforts in fulfilling customers’ needs, adhering to the motto of “Faithful, fast, high quality, highly efficient”. While extending our business, we have enhanced the strength of the company and improved management practices, increasing market share and customer satisfaction. Our customers come from a number of areas, such as IT, communications, electronic products, clothing, printing and other industries, and we have earned the trust and loyalty of several famous companies. 过整合香港、深圳、广州、台湾各机场的航空资源和与DHL、FedEx、UPS、TNT、EMS各种形式深层次的合作,承办货物运输以及仓储配送.国内、运输服务和进出口贸易。全球化的海、陆、空配送网络,真正成为全方位的综合物流服务商。公司服务理念:诚信为本、服务至上、求实进取、团结创新,以优加服务、客户至上 的企业风格。