Toledo Ocean Freight Import and Export
2012/2/21 | 分类:防牌物流出口 | 标签: | views
· 提供空、海、陆多式联运服务。
· 提供进出口清关、转关、商检、卫检、动植物检、报验手续、机场地面操作及空运和陆运监管运输服务。
· 提供包机、鲜活、挂装、特种及保税货物运输服务
Ocean Freight Import and Export
- FCL / FCL Cargoes
- LCL / LCL Cargoes
- Frozen / Refrigerated Cargoes
- Heavy / Oversized Cargoes
- General / Dangerous Cargoes
Rate Analysis and Quotation
Routine Suggestion
Pick up & Delivery Services (round-the-clock service)
Weekly Consol Boxes
Marine Insurance
· 提供空、海、陆多式联运服务。
· 提供进出口清关、转关、商检、卫检、动植物检、报验手续、机场地面操作及空运和陆运监管运输服务。
· 提供包机、鲜活、挂装、特种及保税货物运输服务
Ocean Freight Import and Export
- FCL / FCL Cargoes
- LCL / LCL Cargoes
- Frozen / Refrigerated Cargoes
- Heavy / Oversized Cargoes
- General / Dangerous Cargoes
Rate Analysis and Quotation
Routine Suggestion
Pick up & Delivery Services (round-the-clock service)
Weekly Consol Boxes
Marine Insurance