达累斯萨拉姆(DAR ES SALAAM)灵敏的队伍
2011/8/24 | 分类:海运运输 | 标签: | views
经纬度:6 ° 39'0"S,39 ° 2'0"E
港务局: Tanzania Ports Authority
地址: Main Quay Number 1
P.O. Box 1130
Dar es Salaam
电话: +255-22-2110401
传真: +255-22-2113646
邮件: pmdsm@tanzaniaports.com
网址: www.tanzaniaports.com/dsm/index.htm
The Port of Dar es Salaam (formerly Mzizima) is Tanzania's largest, richest, and most important city and seaport. Lying on Tanzania's central shoreline, it is about 50 kilometers southwest of the island nation of Zanzibar. Architecture in the city reflects Dar es Salaam's colonial past and a mix of many cultures (Asian, German, British, and Swahili).
Port History
German Albert Roscher was the first European to land at the village of Mzizima (meaning 揾ealthy town?. Sultan Seyyid Majid from Zanzibar named in Dar es Salaam (meaning 揳bode of peace? in 1866. After the Sultan died, the town slipped into decline.
When the German East Africa Company built a station there, the Port of Dar es Salaam revived. Because it was the commercial and administrative center of German East Africa, the town flourished into the early 20th Century.
The British captured the country during World War I and, after that, it was called Tanganika. Separate areas (European and African) developed within the town during the period of indirect British rule. After World War II, the Port of Dar es Salaam grew rapidly.
The Tanganyika African National Union was formed, and the country won independence in 1961. Dar es Salaam was its capital until 1073 when the government decided to move that function to more geographically-central Dodma.
After World War II, the Port of Dar es Salaam undertook modernization, building new multi-story buildings, a hospital, technical institute, and a court. The Port of Salaam is Tanzania's major port for agricultural and mineral exports. It also serves the nearby countries of Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda, Zambia, Malawi, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The city is a popular tourist destination, offering beautiful beaches and harbor and a busy nightlife. Locally-produced goods include paint, cigarettes, metal- and glassware, wood carvings, textiles, shoes, and soap.
Port Commerce
Created by law in 2005, the Tanzania Ports Authority owns the Port of Dar es Salaam and other ports in the country. The TPA is responsible for, among other things, coordinating the system of and providing facilities for harbors, constructing and operating new harbors, warehouse and distribute goods, transporting goods and passengers, and providing amenities and facilities necessary for the productive use of the harbor.
In 2005, the Port of Dar es Salaam handled over 3.8 million tons of cargo, including 3.9 million tons of dry cargo and 2.0 million tons of cargo. Included in this were 4.8 million tons of imported goods and 1.0 million tons of exports. Almost 68% of all traffic was attributable to local cargo.
In 2006, the Port of Dar es Salaam also handled 242.3 thousand TEUs of containerized cargo, including 121.5 TEUs of imports and 120.1 TEUs of exports. The Port of Dar es Salaam's Container Terminal offers three berths at quays of 540 meters and the capacity to handle 250 thousand TEUs a year. Covering about 18 hectares, its yards have 1.2 hectares of paved area and capacity for 6255 TEUs.
The General Cargo contains 8 deep-water berths and covers an area of 81 hectares with open storage of 5.2 hectares. The Port of Dar es Salaam also contains a grain silo with the capacity to store 30 thousand tons and additional warehouse capacity for 1500 tons of bagged grain.
Cruising and Travel
The Port of Dar es Salaam has a delightful atmosphere growing from its mix of African, Muslim, and South Asian cultures. It has beautiful beaches, busy markets, and historic buildings surviving the colonial experience.
Bongoyo Island makes a great day trip outside the Port of Dar es Salaam. This uninhabited island has miles of beaches and a simple restaurant. For an exciting evening, visit the Port of Dar es Salaam's popular Bilicanas nig
经纬度:6 ° 39'0"S,39 ° 2'0"E
港务局: Tanzania Ports Authority
地址: Main Quay Number 1
P.O. Box 1130
Dar es Salaam
电话: +255-22-2110401
传真: +255-22-2113646
邮件: pmdsm@tanzaniaports.com
网址: www.tanzaniaports.com/dsm/index.htm
The Port of Dar es Salaam (formerly Mzizima) is Tanzania's largest, richest, and most important city and seaport. Lying on Tanzania's central shoreline, it is about 50 kilometers southwest of the island nation of Zanzibar. Architecture in the city reflects Dar es Salaam's colonial past and a mix of many cultures (Asian, German, British, and Swahili).
Port History
German Albert Roscher was the first European to land at the village of Mzizima (meaning 揾ealthy town?. Sultan Seyyid Majid from Zanzibar named in Dar es Salaam (meaning 揳bode of peace? in 1866. After the Sultan died, the town slipped into decline.
When the German East Africa Company built a station there, the Port of Dar es Salaam revived. Because it was the commercial and administrative center of German East Africa, the town flourished into the early 20th Century.
The British captured the country during World War I and, after that, it was called Tanganika. Separate areas (European and African) developed within the town during the period of indirect British rule. After World War II, the Port of Dar es Salaam grew rapidly.
The Tanganyika African National Union was formed, and the country won independence in 1961. Dar es Salaam was its capital until 1073 when the government decided to move that function to more geographically-central Dodma.
After World War II, the Port of Dar es Salaam undertook modernization, building new multi-story buildings, a hospital, technical institute, and a court. The Port of Salaam is Tanzania's major port for agricultural and mineral exports. It also serves the nearby countries of Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda, Zambia, Malawi, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The city is a popular tourist destination, offering beautiful beaches and harbor and a busy nightlife. Locally-produced goods include paint, cigarettes, metal- and glassware, wood carvings, textiles, shoes, and soap.
Port Commerce
Created by law in 2005, the Tanzania Ports Authority owns the Port of Dar es Salaam and other ports in the country. The TPA is responsible for, among other things, coordinating the system of and providing facilities for harbors, constructing and operating new harbors, warehouse and distribute goods, transporting goods and passengers, and providing amenities and facilities necessary for the productive use of the harbor.
In 2005, the Port of Dar es Salaam handled over 3.8 million tons of cargo, including 3.9 million tons of dry cargo and 2.0 million tons of cargo. Included in this were 4.8 million tons of imported goods and 1.0 million tons of exports. Almost 68% of all traffic was attributable to local cargo.
In 2006, the Port of Dar es Salaam also handled 242.3 thousand TEUs of containerized cargo, including 121.5 TEUs of imports and 120.1 TEUs of exports. The Port of Dar es Salaam's Container Terminal offers three berths at quays of 540 meters and the capacity to handle 250 thousand TEUs a year. Covering about 18 hectares, its yards have 1.2 hectares of paved area and capacity for 6255 TEUs.
The General Cargo contains 8 deep-water berths and covers an area of 81 hectares with open storage of 5.2 hectares. The Port of Dar es Salaam also contains a grain silo with the capacity to store 30 thousand tons and additional warehouse capacity for 1500 tons of bagged grain.
Cruising and Travel
The Port of Dar es Salaam has a delightful atmosphere growing from its mix of African, Muslim, and South Asian cultures. It has beautiful beaches, busy markets, and historic buildings surviving the colonial experience.
Bongoyo Island makes a great day trip outside the Port of Dar es Salaam. This uninhabited island has miles of beaches and a simple restaurant. For an exciting evening, visit the Port of Dar es Salaam's popular Bilicanas nig