

2016/10/2  |  分类:报关代理  |  标签:  |   views
however , with the development of modern logistics, e-commerce , seized goods platform also continue to undertake a lot of electricity suppliers and domestic manufacturers of goods seized goods platform is engaged in professional TQM total quality management services, professional needle testing equipment ( including large X -ray machine, needle , etc. ) , professional QC team to provide QC, labeling and packaging of needle -stop service .
After years of development, The current platform already has seized goods Big Wave Longhua factory in Shenzhen, Shenzhen Henggang plant, Shenzhen Longgang plant, etc., site area of over 6000 square meters for different areas of customer service. Inspection platform has trained more than 200 professional inspectors.service footwear apparel industry covering glasses handbag box,Toys, jewelry and other daily necessities , stationery package , providing customers with professional third-party seized goods, logistics services.
The company after years of development and growth, thin plot thick hair, match a variety of platforms , in the form of logistics, warehousing, seized goods , international settlement, trade and other integrated management of logistics on the original platform to provide customers with honest , caring , efficient , professional supply chain management.大宗货物所需运输费用昂贵,海运成为各大出口商偏爱的选择。我司与多家著名船公司建立了长期良好的合作关系,诸如:马士基(MAERSK)、阳明(YANGMING)、长荣(EVERGREEN)、中远(COSCO)、中海(CHINASHIPPING)、达飞(CMA)和地中海(MSC)OOCL 等,以珠江三角洲和长江三角洲为中心,辐射全球各航线,拥有丰富的码头网络、支线驳运船队、物流中心、报关公司等雄厚资源作为支持,可为客户提供港到港、门到门的整箱、拼箱国际海运服务,可以提供冷冻柜,框架柜,开顶柜等特殊柜种以及仓储、报关、报检、保险等增值服务。



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