buenaventura san antonio callao guayaquil valparaiso 1325、1750
2016/4/29 | 分类:物流增值业务 | 标签: | views
used on current international bulk cargo operation mode can be divided into two categories, namely liner shipping and charter transportation. We set the schedule uncertainty liner transport service, it has a relatively fixed routes and the affiliated port, but the arrival time has a certain scale, we will ship to the customer on a regular basis, convenient for the customer to arrange the goods shipment, for no matter a lot, a small amount of bulk ocean cargo for bulk liner transportation is the best choice.国际运输、物流、仓储、快递、配送、进出口代理、报关、清关、海关监管、供应链管理、物流方案设计等于一体的综合性一级代理企业。本公司拥有独特的经营理念,科学的管理模式,优秀的专业人才,灵活的服务方式,为客户提供全方位的优质服务。。下设珠海市分公司、深圳市分公司、广州市分公司,中山办事处,澳门办事处,上海办事处等,经国家工商局批准注册成立。 提供服务优势项目: 1. 澳门进出口综合物流专线服务(整车运输/散货零担/代理报关/澳门清关); 2. 国际快递、国际空运服务(深圳/广州/中山/珠海可收货); 3. 国际海运、国内海运服务(整箱包柜/散货拼箱运输); 4. 集装箱拖车、封关车服务(珠海/深圳/广州/上海/澳门); 5. 越南、柬埔寨等东南亚国家物流专线服务; 6. 代理报关报检服务; 7. 物流方案信息咨询服务.