2016/3/23 | 分类:其它业务 | 标签: | views
03)PCC(Pure Car Carrier)船就是平时我们所讲的一定意义上的汽车船,该类船舶设计为充分利用仓容来装载轻型卡车及小轿车,有多层甲板并甲板净空高度相对较低一般为1.7—2.5米高不等,跳板负荷一般小于25吨。
由于挂靠的是专用滚装码头,而且车辆开上开下船舶,在车的自然状态下完成装卸过程,不需要像杂货船吊装和像集装箱船放入箱内绑扎,加上船舱开阔,绑扎加固作业空间够大及船舱全封闭避免了海水侵蚀,因此发生在汽车船上的车辆损坏非常之低; In order for you to realize significant and quantifiable savings, Expeditors provides innovative approaches to global customs programs. Our approach is to determine how value can best be added to your processes. We look at your customs "value stream," which includes compliance, release and analysis, as a way of effectively managing cost.
As a compliance-driven organization, we are positioned to understand and address the intricacies of trade regulations and agreements at the global, regional, national and local levels.
Our systems are developed to create innovative technological processes that support a global product with local requirements. Commonality is achieved by focusing on the three elements of a strong customs process-strict compliance with regulations, reliable release timing and strong valuable data.
由于挂靠的是专用滚装码头,而且车辆开上开下船舶,在车的自然状态下完成装卸过程,不需要像杂货船吊装和像集装箱船放入箱内绑扎,加上船舱开阔,绑扎加固作业空间够大及船舱全封闭避免了海水侵蚀,因此发生在汽车船上的车辆损坏非常之低; In order for you to realize significant and quantifiable savings, Expeditors provides innovative approaches to global customs programs. Our approach is to determine how value can best be added to your processes. We look at your customs "value stream," which includes compliance, release and analysis, as a way of effectively managing cost.
As a compliance-driven organization, we are positioned to understand and address the intricacies of trade regulations and agreements at the global, regional, national and local levels.
Our systems are developed to create innovative technological processes that support a global product with local requirements. Commonality is achieved by focusing on the three elements of a strong customs process-strict compliance with regulations, reliable release timing and strong valuable data.