Trading contract, commercial invoice, packing list
2013/11/12 | 分类:海运货代 | 标签: | views
We can offer you rail-sea-road-air intermodel business that is the fastest and cheapest points to points, door to door service rely on our strong agent network.
We have customs broker in all the ports of Shenzhen, subsidiaries distributed all over the country. Not only ensures shipment on time, but also offer customer all kinds of professional consultation service. We also offer customer truck-sea-air relevant assistant service, including EXP.& IMP. Licence, Inspection & Phytosanitary, Fumigation, C/O, Insurance and help make all kinds of EXP.& IMP. Docments ( Trading contract, commercial invoice, packing list).港口常识——基本港与基本运费率
基本港(Base Port).是运价表现定班轮公司的船一般要定期挂靠的港口.大多数为位于中心的较大口岸,港口设备条件比较好,货载多而稳 定.规定为基本港口就不再限制货量.运往基本港口的货物一般均为直达 运输,无需中途转船.但有时也因货量太少,船方决定中途转运,由船方 自行安排,承担转船费用.按基本港口运费率向货方收取运费,不得加收 转船附加费或直航附加费.并应签发直达提单. 非基本港口(Non-Base Port).凡基本港口以外的港口都称为非基本港口.非基本港口一般除按基本港口收费外,还需另外加收转船附加费. 达到一定货量时则改为
We can offer you rail-sea-road-air intermodel business that is the fastest and cheapest points to points, door to door service rely on our strong agent network.
We have customs broker in all the ports of Shenzhen, subsidiaries distributed all over the country. Not only ensures shipment on time, but also offer customer all kinds of professional consultation service. We also offer customer truck-sea-air relevant assistant service, including EXP.& IMP. Licence, Inspection & Phytosanitary, Fumigation, C/O, Insurance and help make all kinds of EXP.& IMP. Docments ( Trading contract, commercial invoice, packing list).港口常识——基本港与基本运费率
基本港(Base Port).是运价表现定班轮公司的船一般要定期挂靠的港口.大多数为位于中心的较大口岸,港口设备条件比较好,货载多而稳 定.规定为基本港口就不再限制货量.运往基本港口的货物一般均为直达 运输,无需中途转船.但有时也因货量太少,船方决定中途转运,由船方 自行安排,承担转船费用.按基本港口运费率向货方收取运费,不得加收 转船附加费或直航附加费.并应签发直达提单. 非基本港口(Non-Base Port).凡基本港口以外的港口都称为非基本港口.非基本港口一般除按基本港口收费外,还需另外加收转船附加费. 达到一定货量时则改为