2013/9/16 | 分类:海运报关 | 标签: | views
We are one of the few true local specialists for sea-air combined service, which is a combination of both sea and air transportation. It offers the advantage of faster than sea freight and less expensive than air freight. Normally we choose Dubai or LOS ANGELS as our connection hub, your goods are first transported from China to the hub by sea and then transported to the destination port by air.
Currently we have 4 lines for international Sea-Air Combiend Service:
1. from China(any local port) to Europe via Dubai
2. from China(any local port) to Africa via Dubai
3. from China(any local port) to Iran & Afghanistan
4. from China(any local port) to South America via Los Angeles
When to choose Sea-Air Combined Service?
1. When its too late for sea movement and the cost for air is too expensive.
2. When air movement is too expensive and the buyer agrees to delay the delivery time, normally by 15 days.
3. When its peak season for air shipping and its difficult to book shipment space , its can be faster to choose see transportation. DHL:中外运敦豪国际航空快递有限公司(DHL一SINOTRANS)中国第一家国际航空快递公司中外运-敦豪国际航空快件有限公司是由全球快递、物流业的领导者DHL与中国对外贸易运输集团总公司各注资50%于1986年成立,是中国成立最早、经验最丰富的国际航空快递公司。 作为德国邮政全球网络旗下的知名品牌。DHL的服务网络覆盖全球220多个国家和地区,在全球拥有285,000名员工,为客户提供快捷、可靠的专业化服务。
Currently we have 4 lines for international Sea-Air Combiend Service:
1. from China(any local port) to Europe via Dubai
2. from China(any local port) to Africa via Dubai
3. from China(any local port) to Iran & Afghanistan
4. from China(any local port) to South America via Los Angeles
When to choose Sea-Air Combined Service?
1. When its too late for sea movement and the cost for air is too expensive.
2. When air movement is too expensive and the buyer agrees to delay the delivery time, normally by 15 days.
3. When its peak season for air shipping and its difficult to book shipment space , its can be faster to choose see transportation. DHL:中外运敦豪国际航空快递有限公司(DHL一SINOTRANS)中国第一家国际航空快递公司中外运-敦豪国际航空快件有限公司是由全球快递、物流业的领导者DHL与中国对外贸易运输集团总公司各注资50%于1986年成立,是中国成立最早、经验最丰富的国际航空快递公司。 作为德国邮政全球网络旗下的知名品牌。DHL的服务网络覆盖全球220多个国家和地区,在全球拥有285,000名员工,为客户提供快捷、可靠的专业化服务。