
2013/7/10  |  分类:物流增值业务  |  标签:  |   views
understands the substantial value you place on your international shipments. We also know that cargo insurance is an integral part of your import and export transactions, so we provide specialized expertise to insure your cargo locally.

With our industry experience and purchasing volume, we have the leverage to offer full coverage at economical rates. Because our team is in the position to calculate your total costs, even terminal and delivery fees, we can insure for the full cost of imported goods, including duty and an allowance for your profit.

As part of our comprehensive approach to service, we can handle all insurance related documentation.Whatever your requirements are, insuring through WDI is definitely to your benefit.

Insurance Services:

•Cargo Insurance Specialist
•Full Liability Coverage
•All risk
•Door-to-Door Insurance65家全资子分公司和遍布海外的子公司及代理网络,提供海运进出口集装箱及散杂货订舱配载、空运进出口操作、多式联运、内外贸分拨物流、大型设备运送及安装、仓储接货、报关、报验以及通过国内铁路、航空、沿海、内河、公路运输联运至国内最终目的地等服务。
企 业 愿 景:建设优秀的、品牌的、民族的百年老店。
企 业 价 值:厚德载物,诚信致远;提升创造价值能力,不断满足客户、员工和社会需求。
企 业 文 化:亚东一家人,互助、友爱、和谐、融洽。
发 展 战 略:做精货代,做实转型。



