2013/5/3 | 分类:防牌物流出口 | 标签: | views
一级国际货物运输代理公司, 秉承“贴身服务, 专业服务, 客户至上, 信誉至上” 的服务宗旨, 历经几年的努力, 已发展成为一间具有较高专业素质及完善服务网络的国际货运代理公司. 我们主要承办国际海运, 空运, 海空联运,海铁联运,中港运输等, 包括: 代理验货, 订舱, 拖车,货物中转, 仓储, 进出口报关, 报检, 货物分销, 运输保险, 以及其它与运输, 报关, 进出口有关的咨询 / 运输代理服务.在深圳盐田港 / 蛇口港 / 广州黄埔各码头内装,海运 /拥有合资经营的拖车 / 吨车公司,, 为客户提供全天候的, 快捷安全的门到门服务. 同时, 在各口岸提供进出口报关代理服务, 一般产地证(C.O.), 普惠制产地证(FORM A), 商检, 大使馆认证等相关业务. We are dedicated to and focus on the service of international ocean freight to Mexico, Central and South America, Caribbean, Northeast Asia as well as Southeast Asia, Middle East, Australia and New Zealand, and Africa etc. We have developed and maintained a good, stable and long-lasting business relationship with a couple of shipping lines especially Hamburg Sud, Maruba, CMA-CGM, CSCL, OOCL and so on. We have spread our international network with agents around the world, especially in Central and South America, Southeast Asia, Australia and New Zealand, India, Dubai, South Africa and Europe, with perfect destination service such as customs clearance and door to door distribution available.