
2013/2/25  |  分类:海运服务  |  标签:  |   views
Our company mainly service export all shipments to every corner of the world , including booking,, export customs declaration , quarantine inspection , insurance business , so on.

Either provide best rates of seafreight or international trade inquiry we can help clients buy some data of customs declaration , meanwhile can help them do customs clearance , due to some clients hasn’t export lience or without declaration title , at our side we can do everything not only in SHANGHAI TITLE , but also in SHENZHEN TITLE as well.

I have good relatives with several shipping line, like CSCL,YML,KMTC,at the same time,we just co-operated with them for many years , if you are intereted in these shipping line , you can reach me directly .
于二OO三年正式开始运营在此期间,公司迅速发展壮大,在苏州、宁波、厦门、大连等地设立了分支机构。同时在美国,加拿 大,阿联酋、台湾、伊朗、阿曼、科威特、约旦、南非等国家拥有自己的货运代理服务点,使业务得到拓展和延伸。公司十分注重商业信誉,适时开辟经营网络,坚 持实行优质服务,在市场竞争中日益发展。
  公司与COSCO、CHINASHIPPING、MSC、APL、EVERGREEN、PIL、 NORASIA、CNC、MOSK、JJ、MISC等多家国内外知名船公司建立了长年协作关系,价格颇具市场竞争力。公司货代部属下集卡车队、堆场、报关 行等各服务窗口为您提供更竭诚的服务。



