广州航空代理。深圳航空公司 香港机场航空

2012/10/9  |  分类:海运运输  |  标签:航空代理    |   views
We have with many Professional experience workers. We Equipped with various types of heavy container vehicles; Excellent storage equipment, location, 24-hour, all-weather services; To the vast number of customers with the international, national, third-party logistics solutions. Company already has won the very good prestige since it was been established.We has been keeping long-term friendly cooperation with many international shipping company.
(for example : ZIM,P&O,EMC,NYK,CHANASHIPPING,APL etc…) and over 100 forwarders around the world. We have worldwide network of services, especially in Southeast Asia, India and Pakistan routes companies more prominent position. Tank boxes and transport of dangerous goods is a major characteristic of our company, we can rapid distribution lcl you need to reach any of the global port.下设特货部,海运部、空运部、进口部及海外发展部。海运方面,我司前身是船代公司,与众多船公司及代理公司有长期的合约及代理协议,尤其在中东东南亚航线及美国航线上,我司有很强的优势;进口方面,全球的网络代理更能满足为客户提供全方位的服务;空运方面,我司与新航、香港航空、东方航空等几家航空公司常年有包板包量合作,尤其是美国日本航线,我司能为贵司提供非常具有竞争力的价格及优质的服务。公司旗下专设特货部,由经验丰富的团队负责操作运营,专门安排特殊物品的空运,包括汽车,鲜活货物,私人物品,各等级的危险品,大件货物空运等特殊物品。



