modern logistics
2012/9/10 | 分类:海运报关 | 标签: | views
公司专业承办广州、深圳、东莞等区散货( CFS )及整柜( CY )往来香港之进出口货运,提供拼柜、包车、拖柜服务。中港司机经验丰富、守时高效。公司发展至今,已拥有3 吨至15吨密封车30余台,集装箱拖头10台。从吨车到柜车以及特种车为客户提供全面的中港运输服务。在香港及大陆设有3000平方米的仓库,能提供香港到大陆的包税进口运输服务,并为客户提供全面、快捷的配送服务。Bonded logistics parks have been set up in China to help the development of a modern logistics industry and to expand the functions of bondedareas.To help the entrepot trade, international trade and related processing and warehousing, China has looked at the experience of free ports and free trade zones around the world and, since 1990, established 15 bonded areas in 13 cities. Strictly speaking, these bonded areas are not true free trade zones but special areas that enjoy taxation benefits by being “within China but outside the Customs”.
The main difference between China’s bonded areas and free trade zones is export VAT refund. In existing regulations, domestic goods entering bonded areas cannot be treated as exports and cannot enjoy export VAT refund - refund can only be applied when the goods actually leave the country, thus affecting the performance of the bonded areas in boosting exports. Moreover, the locations of the existing 15 bonded areas are separate from the ports, and incoming and outgoing goods need to go through complicated Customs formalities.
The main difference between China’s bonded areas and free trade zones is export VAT refund. In existing regulations, domestic goods entering bonded areas cannot be treated as exports and cannot enjoy export VAT refund - refund can only be applied when the goods actually leave the country, thus affecting the performance of the bonded areas in boosting exports. Moreover, the locations of the existing 15 bonded areas are separate from the ports, and incoming and outgoing goods need to go through complicated Customs formalities.