过去的一年,是精彩的一年,也是收获的一年。向曾经支持和关心我们的广大客户表示诚挚的谢意!我们将一如既往的向客户提供的服务。公司海外代理网络遍布欧洲主要国家(德国、法国、意大利、比利时、荷兰、挪威、瑞典、芬兰、西班牙、波兰、瑞士等国家主要城市) ,美国纽约、洛杉矶、旧金山、芝加哥,南美巴西、秘鲁,中东阿联酋,以色列,东南亚国家,日本韩国等国家有长期稳定的合作代理为我们做港口\机场清关、提货仓储等服务。...

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Air Freight
When choosing Blue Water, you get access to global air freight solutions, courier services and air chartering based on your requirements

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Rail Transport
Rail Transport
Choose rail if you want a reliable service reducing the total transit time from door to door at affordable rates

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Import agent of LCL and FCL service
Undertaking import FCL and LCL business with full import air lines, favorable freight prices and high quality services. Services of import booking, transportation, customs clearance and home delivery.

Import and export agency services in domestic ports

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A ship breaker or ship recycling owner typically buy a ship to be scrapped for around 4-10 million dollars depending on the size and quality of the ship. The purchase of a ship is often done through a middleman or cash buyers, who links the local buyers with the international sellers. The ship recycling yard owners take loan from local bank often with a high interest rate, and the full loan is repaid in six months time when the ship is completely ripped apart and all the scrap is sold to international and national buyers.

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