
中东十多年的积累,在传统物流上已独占鳌头。基于亦邦在传统物流时代积累的行业资源、服务优势,结合移动互联网时代消费升级的大背景,亦邦正全力发展电商物流,致力于打造中国至中东、非洲、南美等新兴市场的跨境综合物流(包括TO B端的传统物流和TO C端的电商物流)品牌。亦邦物流与多家大型跨境电商公司达成战略合作,并已在阿联酋、沙特自建电商海外仓。

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代理是进口代理服务的延伸,除一般的进口货运及关务代理之外,还代理中小企业的进口付汇活动,满足中小企业在国际采购当中因为资质,资金规模以及银行授信等方面的缺陷,顺利完成国际进口采购的业务。Luode Hao Island, Hawaiian Islands, Guam, Marshall Islands, Midway Island, Wake Island, Kiribati, Nauru, Norfolk Island, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, Pitcairn Islands, French Polynesia (including social, soil Buyi, Tuamotu s, the Marquesas, Gambier Islands, and December Bass Pa etc.), Western Samoa, East Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Wallis and Futuna, Mayotte territorial base, Ducie and Oeno Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, Henderson Island, French Southern and Antarctic Territories (including St. was Luo and Amsterdam Islands, Croatia Islands, Kerguelen Islands免费咨询

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2021/3/1   |  分类:海运报关
  我们的同样致力于发展海运业务,经过多年的努力我们的海运代理运输航线涵盖了美加线、欧地线、东南亚、印巴及周边地域航线在内的诸多线路。确保为客户提供最为优惠的运价。我们拥有一支经验丰富的优秀工作团队,依托先进的操作与管理系统,为客户建立完善的服务平台。公司秉承专业、诚信、安全、快捷的服务宗旨,持续深入地为客户创造更高的价值,与客户共同发展壮大。 Overseas set up headquarters is Shanghai, and established branches and liaison offices in Beijing, Tianjin, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Xiamen, Shenzhen, and Hongkong. In Italy we have branches in Naples, Genoa, Milan, Ancona, Rome, Venice. In Russia we have branches in Moscow and Petersburg. In USA we have branches in Miami and Boston. Overseas also has set up a worldwide agent network based on the good business cooperation.

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