import and export by marine transportation
2012/8/9 | 分类:防牌物流出口
公司有良好的合作关系,在韩国、日本、台湾、东南亚、欧美等航线有较强的优势。主要经营农产品(速冻蔬菜、家禽、保鲜等)、速冻食品(点心、罐头等)、渔业海产品(带鱼、罗非鱼、虾仁等)、花卉(富贵竹、发财树、园艺盆景等)的出口运输及代理出口、报关、拖车等一条龙服务。注:如需详细内容及运价欢迎来电垂询!★我司主力航线:日韩、东南亚、欧美优势运价:冷冻柜、开顶柜、开门柜等特种柜 import and export by marine transportation
We have rich experience in operation of special equipments and containers. We can also offer various suggestions for FCL and LCL according to different demands. We have setup a service network which connecting hundreds of ports of call around the world including North and South America, South and East Asia, Africa, Australia, European and Caribbean ports, etc. In order to get good service, DO please make the inquiry before transportation because of the changeable freight from time to time.
We have rich experience in operation of special equipments and containers. We can also offer various suggestions for FCL and LCL according to different demands. We have setup a service network which connecting hundreds of ports of call around the world including North and South America, South and East Asia, Africa, Australia, European and Caribbean ports, etc. In order to get good service, DO please make the inquiry before transportation because of the changeable freight from time to time.