ompany approved by China Ministry of Commerce, with License No.3200693345350. We have a very united and specialized work team who can deal with all the affairs during international trade process, such as international logistics, customs clearance and communication with the importer and exporter. Tri-creation means business is created and developed by three partners who are overseas company, domestic company and us, and we are striving to be the bridge between the buyers and sellers and make the process higher efficiency and lower cost. Dedication, specialization and passion has made us establish partnership with many overseas and domestic companies, and we hope for more cooperation chance and develop together with you. If you want to do business in china and have any question in Import and Export process, don't hesitate to contact us, and we will try our best to help you, and make your business in china go smoothly.Up to now,we incresed 30 to 50 percent each year since 2009.The TTL value of us dollar for I-E trading reached to thirteen million five thousand.We are having wholesome passion to competition,and we are willing to accept new challenge in 2014.海运出口办理订舱、仓储、中转、报关、拼箱集运、多式联运等海运出口业务。提供信息查询、运输及物流管理咨询服务。 海运进口承办国外订舱、港口交接、报送、报验、纳税、公证鉴定、拆箱分拨、进口转运、展览品、私人行李运输、公共保税等业务。提供运输咨询及重大工程运输策划服务。 空运出口提供普通货物的订舱、包舱、包机、制单、报关、报检、上门服务等出运服务。提供海空联运服务、货物信息查询及咨询服务。 空运进口承接进口(FOB)空运报价、订舱、包机等业务。提供进口制单、一关三检、送货上门、国内海陆空转运等服务。代理客户缴纳关税、提供货物查询及咨询服务。 集装箱储运提供货物储运、中转、加工整理、公共保税、集装箱装拆箱、出口集运、进口分拨、门到门运输、集装箱堆存、保管、收发、交接、清洗、熏蒸、维修等服务。...
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